Makeup brushes and sponges are the very foundation of any beauty collection. From contouring to eyeshadow, most makeup enthusiasts use brushes and blenders daily. But just how often are these heavily used tools that touch our faces every day being cleaned and cared for? Discover the right way to keep those bristles fresh and ready for your next makeup look.
How Often Should I Clean My Brush?
Professional makeup artists recommend cleaning beauty tools once a week. Yes! Once a week. Though that may sound excessive, it is important to remember makeup brushes and sponges are highly susceptible to building up dirt and oil. This is especially true for blenders used with wet makeup like liquid foundation. Using a brush coated in last month’s residual makeup can lead to breakouts and spotty blending.
What Should I Use To Clean Them?
Although there are plenty of makeup brush cleansers available for purchase, it is just as easy to use what you have at home. The key to washing makeup brushes is to use gentle soaps like dish soap or shampoo. Regular hand soap can dry out the bristles and shorten the life of the brush.
For Brushes
– Squeeze a few drops of dish soap or shampoo, a few drops of olive oil, and a little bit of water onto the palm of your hand.
– Hold your makeup brush vertically and begin swirling the bristles on your palm.
– Once entirely coated, you can also use your fingers to massage the soap mixture deeper into the bristles.
– Rinse the brush with clean water.
– Then squeeze out excess water and place the brush on the edge of the sink to dry.
For Sponges And Blenders:
– Fill a clean mug with warm water and a few drops of the same soap combination as mentioned above.
– Place the sponge in and allow it to soak for at least 5 minutes.
– Pull the sponge out of the mug and rinse with clean water.
– Squeeze any remaining water out and place it on a towel to dry.
When Do I Replace My Brush And Sponge??
Makeup artists recommend replacing makeup sponges and brushes every 3-4 months. Look for the bristles to lose their shape and your sponge to begin to stay discolored even after a thorough cleaning. These are the indicators that it is time to switch to fresh tools.
Above all, it is important to take care of your makeup brushes and sponges. Taking extra time to clean them will give them extra life, and ensure they apply smooth and crisp makeup with each use.