Home Health Ways To Treat Psoriasis At Home

Ways To Treat Psoriasis At Home

by pps-DUEditor

So far, medicine cannot name the exact causes of psoriasis. The most popular hypothesis suggests that autoimmune processes are of great importance in the development of psoriasis. The mechanism of the development of the disease is also not entirely understood. Only one thing is known – psoriasis leads to a violation of the structural and functional qualities of the upper layer of skin cells.

Modern medicine has not yet invented ways to get rid of the disease forever. Therefore, the main task is to alleviate unpleasant symptoms, achieve long-term remission, and fight against possible complications.

Once a patient has faced this ailment, he becomes a hostage to it for life. Each type of psoriasis proceeds in its own way. Some suffer from a mild form of the disease; others are less fortunate, and it can pose a real danger to life.

Psoriasis Treatment at Home: Effective and Proven Alternative Methods

There are different ways to combat the disease, but they are usually associated with the use of formulations based on products that nature gives us.

Birch Tar

It should be applied in pure form on the skin and washed off after 10-15 minutes under a stream of warm water. After the procedure, wipe the surface with a clean towel, then apply a topical ointment. If the disease is found in the scalp, then the tar must be removed after 5 minutes of application. The procedure should ideally be performed once in every two days.

Hydrogen Peroxide and Soda

Experts recommend taking a bath with baking soda, which softens and treats the damaged skin with hydrogen peroxide. This should be done twice a day. As a result, inflammation and itching are eliminated, and, on the whole, the separation of the scales improves.

Brewer’s Yeast

Brewer’s yeast can be used to activate metabolic processes and improve the patient’s condition. It should be taken twice a day, 35 minutes before the meal. For an adult, one tablespoon will be required, and for a child – a teaspoon.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera can be used to treat psoriasis. All you have to do is wipe the areas of inflamed skin with aloe vera juice or prepare a bath on its base. In equal proportions, mix aloe juice, calamus root, linseed oil, and celandine. Pour boiling water over the ingredients, then mix and pour into the bath.

Propolis and Honey

This is a popular way to fight the disease. The beneficial effect of beekeeping products on the body has been known to man since time immemorial. You only need to pour a glass of honey in a hot bath to minimize the symptoms of the disease in 10-15 minutes of bathing.

You can use a more complicated recipe, which is: 100 grams of honey mixed with two tablespoons of jojoba oil and a liter of milk. Take this bath twice a week for 30 minutes. From propolis, you can prepare an ointment that is applied to the skin. To do this, mix 50 grams of propolis and 500 grams of butter.

Bay Leaf Broth

To prepare it, you need to take seven medium-sized bay leaves, which should be brewed in two tablespoons of boiling water. Leave the composition to simmer on fire for 10 minutes. The resulting broth needs to be filtered, and a half glass of it should be taken in the morning and evening for seven days. This is a simple and effective treatment for the disease.

The Bottom Line

To treat psoriasis as efficiently as possible, it is better to combine drugs and alternative methods. A comprehensive solution to the issue will allow you to avoid many problems and achieve excellent treatment results, making your life more comfortable and forgetting about psoriasis for a long time. This will help prevent relapses or minimize their occurrence.

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